Friday, August 24, 2012

Even A Donkey Can Get It Right!

There is a very famous story in the life of dear St. Anthony of Padua in which he was taken to task over his belief in the Holy Eucharist. The Saint was challenged to prove his belief by seeing whether a donkey would go toward food and water or the Holy Eucharist. The poor beast had been starved for three days and St. Anthony had made it clear that the donkey would worship Jesus in the Eucharist before be driven by instinct to feed and satiate itself with the food and water.

Of course if the animal had followed its instincts we would not be remembering it today. The donkey not only did not go directly to the food and water but in the town square in from of the populus knelt and as it were adored the Holy Eucharist and made believers out of everyone.

We too need to ignore what our senses tell us about the Holy Eucharist. We need to find Jesus truly present and worship Him. We need to ask the prayers of St. Anthony to help us grow closer in love for Jesus and imitated Jesus in all things.

St.Anthony of Padua, pray for us!

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