Friday, June 29, 2012

Just What Is That St. Anthony Bread?

Today most people would say that St. Anthony Bread is one of two things. One is a piece or even a loaf of bread blessed by a Catholic  priest asking God to grant healing and blessing to all those who eat it with faith in the prayers of St. Anthony of Padua and the ever loving goodness of God.The bread is a reminder of the many loaves that St. Anthony gave to the poor of his day. He was always ready to give alms and food to the poor. He is patron of the Poor too.

Another type of St. Anthony bread is really a donation given in thanksgiving for favors received from the dear Saint of Padua.

It seems that in 1263, a child drowned near the Basilica of St. Anthony which was still being built. The mother of the child promised St. Anthony  that if the child was restored she would give the child’s weight in grain to be turned into bread for the poor. Her prayers were answered and the child was raised to life. She promptly kept her promise and was part of the start of a new tradition.
Another woman named Louise Bouffier,  was a bakery shopkeeper in Toulon, France. When her shop could not be opened  she called a locksmith  who was prepared to break open her shop door after no key would open it. Bouffier asked the locksmith to try his keys one more time after she prayed and promised to give bread to the poor in honor of St. Anthony if the door would open without force. The door opened and Louise Bouffier built a small shrine in honor of St. Anthony in the back of her shop.

I recommend that you ask the prayers of St. Anthony and when he comes through for you, and he will, you can make a St. Anthony's Bread donation.

To make an offering to St. Anthony Bread in thanksgiving for blessings received, you may send your donation to the Old Mission San Antonio in Jolon California. The address is down below.

St. Anthony of Padua, pray for us!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Hey! I Just Lost My Keys!

EVERYBODY, seems to know that St. Anthony of Padua is the patron Saint of lost articles. Many people pray the small but ever powerful prayer, "Saint Anthony, Saint Anthony, please look around, something is lost and must be found." It usually will follow that you will find the lost article, usually keys, right where you had just looked.

I want to blog about how many times this prayer and the intercessory prayers of St. Anthony have come to the rescue. I don't know any Catholic who does not have someone in their family that will entreat them to call on St. Anthony and whether they like it or not his intercession before the Lord is awesomely powerful.

My niece who is an adult lost her bank card for what she said was like the fiftieth time and was reluctant to call and have the bank issue number fifty one. She prayed a prayer asking St. Anthony for his intercession and help. She claims in a dream he told her inwardly to look inside the dryer and when she was about to leave the house she remembered and just stuck her hand blindly inside the dryer and it was hidden behind one of the dryer paddles! Wow! Thanks be to God and the prayers of St. Anthony.

I went to the San Antonio Mission in Jolon California and made a donation in thanksgiving for the favor received by my niece. I recommend you make a generous donation to help keep St. Anthony's Mission open. You can find the address and information at the bottom of this blog.

Ask St. Anthony's prayers and make a small donation to the Old Mission.

St. Anthony of Padua, pray for us!

Let's Hear It For St. Anthony!

Saint Anthony of Padua is considered one of the most popular Saints in the Catholic and Non-Catholic world. He is so popular I think because he is such a powerful intercessor with Almighty God. When it comes to Saints most people have devotion to those they feel understand and intercede well for them.
This blog is dedicated to St. Anthony and those who ask his prayers. He will intercede for you if you ask his prayers. throughout the course of time we will post about his life and the traditions that have grown around this most popular Saint.

St Anthony Pray for us!
